Interparking has won the tender for the management of the four car parks Stadsplein, Middenweg, Zuidtangent and Coolplein in Heerhugowaard.
What began as a challenging project in 2014 has now turned into a car park to be admired. The new car park in Utrecht, called P5, opened today at 8:30 AM.
Giving your car a complete cleaning treatment during your visit? It’s possible in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way in Markthal car park in Rotterdam. PM-wasservice and Interparking have made a collaboration for this.
43 car parks 0 spaces
66 car parks 43,159 spaces
57 car parks 26,085 spaces
239 car parks 118,670 spaces
16 car parks 112,402 spaces
123 car parks 58,220 spaces
30 car parks 19,855 spaces
5 car parks 4,033 spaces
68 car parks 31,143 spaces