
  • ESPA Gold for Interparking Willemspoort Den Bosch
    ESPA Gold for Interparking Willemspoort Den Bosch
    30/05/2024 Interparking Willemspoort in Den Bosch has been awarded the gold edition of the European Standard Parking Award: the ESPA Gold Award. The garage, owned by operator Interparking, received the quality label on May 28 from Peter Dingemans, vice-chairman of Vexpan, the platform for parking in the Netherlands. Read more
  • Upgrade Interparking Lijnbaan successfully completed
    Upgrade Interparking Lijnbaan successfully completed
    11/03/2024 To promote electric driving, Interparking is announcing a great offer this month in the Willemspoort parking garage: free charging during the entire month of March! Read more
  • Free charging in the Willemspoort car park
    Free charging in the Willemspoort car park
    05/03/2024 To promote electric driving, Interparking is announcing a great offer this month in the Willemspoort parking garage: free charging during the entire month of March! Read more
  • The review of 2023
    The review of 2023
    15/01/2024 We look back positively on a good and busy year in which many highlights occurred. From the successful opening of two new car parks to extensive renovation projects, continued digitalization and the strengthening of our services in terms of both service and products. We thank our dedicated employees, valued clients and partners for the trust and pleasant cooperation during the past year and look forward to continuing to build on our mission together in 2024: realizing high-quality and affordable parking solutions for our parkers. Read more
  • Sustainable lighting in the Markthal and IJdock parking garages
    Sustainable lighting in the Markthal and IJdock parking garages
    19/12/2023 In line with our commitment to sustainability and environmentally conscious initiatives, we have installed innovative sustainable lighting in the car parks Markthal and IJdock in collaboration with Rentalite in recent weeks. Read more
  • Parkeren als onderdeel van een duurzaam stadsleven
    Parkeren als onderdeel van een duurzaam stadsleven

    De wereld om ons heen verandert. Onze steden worden drukker en we hechten steeds meer waarde aan de kwaliteit van onze leefomgeving. Maar welke plaats heeft de auto in de toekomst nog in een stadscentrum en wat betekent dit voor de bereikbaarheid? Lees in dit blog met welke activiteiten Interparking de maatschappij ondersteunt om de doorstroming in steden te optimaliseren en de mobiliteit blijvend te verduurzamen. 



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  • The review of 2022
    The review of 2022
    09/01/2023 We look back on a good and busy year in which many changes have taken place. After we emerged from the hard lockdown in mid-January, the last corona rules were released in March. This had a major impact on our business. Our visitors found their way back to the car parks and the number of online reservations grew explosively. We are proud that, partly due to this growth in turnover, we are back at the level of the period before corona. Read more
  • Bob Poot appointed as new COO Interparking Netherlands
    Bob Poot appointed as new COO Interparking Netherlands

    Bob Poot has been appointed Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Interparking Nederland as of 1 December. This completes the implementation of the management after the departure of Thomas van Dongen.

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  • Second phase of the Interparking Lijnbaan upgrade has started
    Second phase of the Interparking Lijnbaan upgrade has started

    Interparking Lijnbaan, located in the heart of Rotterdam, is currently undergoing a total upgrade to a high-quality and customer-friendly parking facility. After the adjustments earlier this year, such as the renewed entrance, the expanded parking bays, the expansion of the loading capacity from 7 to 22 loading facilities and the new lines on the floors, Motive Liften BV is now finalizing the renovation of the elevators. This project will be ready before Christmas.

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  • Interparking Boulevard in top 3 of best car parks in Europe
    Interparking Boulevard in top 3 of best car parks in Europe

    Rotterdam, September 13, 2022 – Interparking Boulevard has been slected as one of the three best new car parks in Europe during the 20th edition of the EPA congress in Brussels. With its unique location, directly on the boulevard in Scheveningen, this car park is part of the redevelopment of the northern part of the boulevard and fully integrated into its surroundings. The architectural building, in which Interparking Boulevard is located, exudes allure with the shops, restaurants and this high-quality parking facility.


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