
  • Waardegroei van parkeerassets dankzij online succes
    Waardegroei van parkeerassets dankzij online succes

    Stedelijke mobiliteit verandert in hoog tempo en steeds meer gemeenten streven naar autoluwe, groene binnensteden. In een interview met VG Visie gingen onze acquisition manager Mariska Kornet en head of marketing & sales Vincent Raaphorst in op deze ontwikkeling. Lees in bijgaand interview hoe Interparking, op een innovatieve manier, hoogwaardig vastgoed combineert met een ijzersterke marketingaanpak.

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  • Vladan Jankovic appointed as new CEO Interparking Netherlands
    Vladan Jankovic appointed as new CEO Interparking Netherlands
    22/08/2022 Vladan Jankovic has been appointed as the new CEO of Interparking Netherlands as of August 16. With this he takes over from Rolf Oostendorp, who has decided to give his career a new direction. Interparking is grateful to Rolf for his contribution to the development of the company and, with the arrival of Vladan, is ready to further expand the organization and realize its growth ambitions. Read more
  • Parking with a personal touch
    Parking with a personal touch
    06/07/2022 The number of charging stations for electric cars in the Museumkwartier car park in The Hague has more than doubled this week. The capacity has been expanded from 8 to 20 places and is being prepared to eventually offer 64 loading places. This expansion is part of Interparking's strategy for the coming years to meet the growing demand for electric vehicles and reduce the impact on the environment. Read more
  • Interparking is investing in a clean and sustainable future
    Interparking is investing in a clean and sustainable future
    31/03/2022 We do everything we can to make mobility more sustainable and to optimize traffic flow in cities on a daily basis. One of our strategic pillars for the next 4 years is therefore to reduce our impact on the environment. Together with our employees and clients, we continuously look at the steps we can take in developing environmentally friendly parking solutions. The environment in which the parking facility is located, optimum traffic flow and the needs of the user are central to this. Read more
  • Interparking significantly expands loading capacity in the Museumkwartier car park in The Hague
    Interparking significantly expands loading capacity in the Museumkwartier car park in The Hague
    28/02/2022 The number of charging stations for electric cars in the Museumkwartier car park in The Hague has more than doubled this week. The capacity has been expanded from 8 to 20 places and is being prepared to eventually offer 64 loading places. This expansion is part of Interparking's strategy for the coming years to meet the growing demand for electric vehicles and reduce the impact on the environment. Read more
  • Gelre hospitals choose Interparking as the new manager of parking facilities
    Gelre hospitals choose Interparking as the new manager of parking facilities
    27/01/2022 Interparking Nederland, market leader in parking in the healthcare sector, has recently added Gelre hospitals as the 15th location to its portfolio. As of February 1, 2022, Interparking will start its activities as manager of the parking facilities in Apeldoorn and Zutphen. Read more
  • Interparking aanwezig op de Provada
    Interparking aanwezig op de Provada

    Wij zijn verheugd dit jaar weer fysiek aanwezig te kunnen zijn op de Provada; de grootste vastgoedbeurs in Nederland. Dit drie daagse evenement vindt dit jaar plaats op 26, 27 en 28 oktober in Amsterdam RAI. Duizenden vastgoedprofessionals komen tijdens deze dagen naar de RAI om kennis en inspiratie op te doen tijdens de verschillende sessies, bij te praten met oude bekenden en nieuwe sparring partners te leren kennen. Bij Interparking staan wij deze dagen klaar om samen te sparren over parkeervraagstukken, jou te adviseren in het ontwerp en de inrichting van klantvriendelijke parkeervoorzieningen, en onze kennis te delen een zo optimaal mogelijk rendement te behalen.

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  • Einhoven Airport selects Interparking as parking service partner
    Einhoven Airport selects Interparking as parking service partner
    14/12/2020 Following a European-wide tender, Eindhoven Airport has selected Interparking as its partner for the parking management of 10 parking facilities, with a total of 5,800 spaces, around the airport. As of January, Interparking and Eindhoven Airport will enter into a sustainable collaboration. Read more
  • Warning: Fraud
    Warning: Fraud
    23/06/2020 WARNING: Companies are offering non-existing investment opportunities in our name.
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  • What does Interparking do with regard to coronavirus?
    What does Interparking do with regard to coronavirus?
    24/03/2020 COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization WHO and has now spread to more than 100 countries. Interparking takes this situation very seriously. Read more